4 Mart 2025 Salı
Ana SayfaHaberBallıca Cave was listed on UNESCO

Ballıca Cave was listed on UNESCO

The Ballıca Cave in Tokat, which is reported to be good for patients with COPD and asthma, has been included in UNESCO's World Heritage List.

Ballıca Cave, which is located within the boundaries of Pazar district, which is 28 kilometers away from Tokat city center and 8 kilometers away from the district center, has been taken to the UNESCO World Heritage list in the United Nations, Education and Science Organization.

The 680 meter cave at an altitude of 1085 has 54 percent moisture and plenty of oxygen. The air of the cave, which has a temperature of 18 to 19 degrees Celsius, is good for people with COPD and asthma and people with snoring and sleep apnea.

With its stalagmites, stalagmites, columns, walls and stoneware stalactites, cave roses and needles, dripstone pools and onion stalactites, the Ballıca Cave, which was opened in 1995, is considered one of the richest and most beautiful caves in the world.



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