6 Ocak 2025 Pazartesi
Ana SayfaHaberChinese Property Buying Habits

Chinese Property Buying Habits

Rising Chinese market interest in the search for alternative overseas market attracts the attention of the Turkish Real Estate sector.

However, the Chinese market, which is a Çin closed box iyor, brings along with this opportunity the details it presents as well as the opportunities it offers.

Features of Chinese Market:

– Access to the final consumer in the Chinese market is very difficult.
– It is impossible to direct the final consumer to the purchase of real estate.
– Chinese family doctor, such as insurance; family are real estate investment advisor. They decide to buy / sell real estate with family real estate investment advisor and do not try different alternatives.
– Real estate investment consultants do not serve each other’s advisors.
– Advisors in Chinese real estate market; The market of brokers is moving within the network that forms within itself.
– In the market that moves with network logic; The number of members in the network is expressed in thousands of hundreds of thousands.
– Sales of real estate to the Chinese market; Requires overseas financial Information.
– The way to reach the end consumer in the Chinese market; Pass through access to networks.
– Chinese investors prefer bulk / block purchases. This type of purchase provides price control and directs the market.
– Block – Bulk investors; offers the real estate to the Networks with different packages developed for country passport citizenship. This is the approach that needs attention and control.
– Most of the foreign real estate purchases through the system for “investment and passport citizenship sistem through the system pass through the ortam virtual reality dimension“ Digital environment.



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