18 Mart 2025 Salı
Ana SayfaHaberKurşunlu Waterfall 300 thousand tourists visited

Kurşunlu Waterfall 300 thousand tourists visited

The number of domestic and foreign tourists visiting Kurşunlu Waterfalls in the province of Antalya was 300 thousand in 2018.

After turning left at the 24th kilometer of Antalya-Isparta highway, Kurşunlu Waterfall which was reached after 7 kilometers and poured from a height of 18 meters, was turned into a natural park after being discovered in 1986.

Domestic and foreign tourists during the 12 months of the year show interest in the waterfall in 2018 300 thousand domestic and foreign tourists stating that the General Directorate of Nature Conservation and National Parks 6. Regional Director Mr. Riza Kamil; In the area where waterfalls are 14 endemic species of 261 plants, duck, cormorant, reed chicken, clumsy cave, snipe, finches, rabbits, wild animals such as foxes, he said.

Mr. Kamil said that there were four centuries old water mills on the roads leading to the waterfall; said that the mills that meet the needs of the villages in the region will be restored and reactivated.

In the region of Kurşunlu Waterfall, there are areas that will benefit the visitors, such as a rural restaurant, masjid, day of use, hiking trails intertwined with nature. Waterfall; she poses affectionate for photo enthusiasts.

Where is Kurşunlu Waterfall?



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