4 Ocak 2025 Cumartesi
Ana SayfaHaberThe most affordable houses in Turkey..

The most affordable houses in Turkey..

According to an article published in the US newspaper USA Today cheapest houses among OECD countries in Turkey ..

In the article published in the newspaper; Turkey 250 thousand dollar homes in the area of citizenship to foreign investors given that drawing attention to Turkey’s Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) 33 member countries of buying real estate in the country where the cheapest specified.

The world-famous real estate platform, according to an article published showing the source of information contained in Homes.com per square feet price of a house in Turkey (1 square foot = 0.92 square meters) $ 69 sold for the second row are sold located from $ 90 in Mexico. Russia, Latvia and Greece follow these two countries.

Among the OECD countries, South Korea was the country with the most expensive housing prices at a price of 967 dollars.



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