7 Ocak 2025 Salı
Ana SayfaHaberWhat is the population of Turkey?

What is the population of Turkey?

Turkey's population compared to the previous year by the end of 2018 registering an increase of 1 million 193 thousand 357 people it reached 82 million 003 thousand 882 people.

Turkey Statistical Institute (TSI), “Address Based Population Registration System 2018 Results” explained.

According to the results shared with the public, the population of the country, which was 80 million 810 thousand 525 at the end of 2017, increased by 1 million 193 thousand 357 people at the end of 2018 and reached 82 million 003 thousand 882 people.

The ratio of the number of women to the population was 49.8 percent (40 million 863 thousand 902 people), the ratio of the number of men to the population was 50.2 percent (41 million 139 thousand 980 persons).

In 2017, the proportion of residents living in city and district centers was 92.5 percent, which was 92.3 percent in 2018. The proportion of people living in towns and villages was 7.7 percent.

Turkey’s population density was increased by 2 to 107 people
The population density, which means the number of people per square kilometer; In 2018, according to the previous year, 2 people increased to 107.

With the population density of 2,900 people, Istanbul ranked first, with 528 people in Kocaeli and second with 360 people.

12 people per kilometer square in Tunceli was the city with the least population density.

Turkey’s largest city with a population density of 57 people in Konya area, in the city of Yalova, which has the smallest area population density was 310 people.

Istanbul’s official population exceeds 15 million
Istanbul was the city with the highest population with 15 million 067 thousand 724 people. 18.4 percent of Turkey’s population residing in Istanbul.

Istanbul was followed by Ankara with 5 million 503 thousand 985 inhabitants, İzmir with 4 million 320 thousand 519 inhabitants, Bursa with 2 million 994 thousand 521 and Antalya with 2 million 426 thousand 356 inhabitants.

The city with the lowest population was Bayburt with 82 thousand 274 people.

Working age population increased
In the 15-64 age group in Turkey (working-age) increased by 1.4 percent compared to the previous year as a numerical population last year. According to this, the ratio of working age population as 67.8 percent, 0-14 age group defined as child age group is 23.4 percent, and 65 percent and over age group is 8.8 percent.

Median rose age
The median age of Turkey’s population rose. The median age is 31.7 in Turkey in 2017, turned 32 last year. The median age was 31.4 in males and 32.7 in females.

The cities with the highest median age were 40.3, Sinop, 39.9 and Balıkesir, 39.6 and Giresun, respectively, respectively, and the lowest provinces were Şanlıurfa with 19.8, Şırnak with 20.7 and Ağrı with 21.4, respectively.



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